You become maximally powerful when you need nothing. This insight from my conversation with Bonnitta Roy opens a door to understanding power that challenges everything we think we know about influence, relationship, and systemic change. When we need something from someone—approval, validation, love—we place ourselves in their power. Our needs become the very levers through which our integrity can be compromised.
The Nature of True Power
Power, in its essence, isn't about control over others but about our relationship with necessity itself. This becomes clearest in intimate relationships, where our needs often distort our capacity to love. When we need our partner to be a certain way for us to feel okay, we unconsciously manipulate them through that need. Our love becomes conditional, based on whether they fulfill our psychological dependencies.
The profound truth is that genuine power emerges not from accumulation or control, but from fundamental needlessness. This isn't about denying our human needs—we all need water, food, shelter, intimacy, connection. The key difference lies in how we hold these needs: do we believe we must earn them through manipulation, or can we trust in their natural fulfillment?
The Testing Ground of Intimacy
This dynamic becomes particularly visible in romantic relationships. What's commonly called "shit testing" in dating reveals a profound truth about power and consciousness. Whether conscious or unconscious, these tests probe a crucial question: “Are you stable in yourself, or will your need for me distort our connection?"
The more conscious a woman is, the more natural this assessment becomes. A highly conscious woman doesn't need to actively test a man's integrity—she can sense it directly through the quality of his presence. She can feel whether he wants her from wholeness or needs her from lack. This isn't perverse—it's deeply intelligent. A woman making herself vulnerable in intimate relationship must be able to trust that her partner's consciousness won't imprison her in his unclarified desire.
The Architecture of Love-Based Systems
This principle extends far beyond romantic relationships into how we organize collectively. Systems based on need and control operate fundamentally differently from systems based on needless power and love. When individuals or organizations operate from fundamental needlessness, they become free to act from love's intelligence rather than compulsion or scarcity.
Consider the advantages of love-organized systems:
They can move with unprecedented speed, unburdened by the calculations of gain and loss
Resources flow naturally across boundaries
Collaboration emerges organically, untainted by hidden agendas
Innovation serves genuine needs rather than manufactured wants
Adaptation happens fluidly, guided by love's intelligence rather than fear's demands
These aren't just theoretical benefits. When people or groups operate from needless power, they can "outcompete" traditional power structures through sheer coherence and efficiency. Love, it turns out, is simply better at organizing complexity than fear.
The Revolution of Consciousness
This points toward what we might call an "infinite game" future—one where networks organized through needless power and love's intelligence become the dominant mode of human coordination. This isn't utopian thinking but practical recognition of love's superior organizational capacity.
However, we face a crucial challenge: we have few examples of such systems operating at scale. We urgently need:
Spaces where individuals can discover their needless power
Experimental organizations built on these principles
New technologies that support love-based coordination
Networks that connect and amplify these initiatives
Truth and Surrender
This same principle governs our relationship with reality itself. Truth remains hidden when we need it to be a certain way. Only when we surrender our need for reality to conform to our preferences can it reveal itself in its full splendor. Our minds, identified with their structures of need, cannot comprehend what they desperately try to grasp.
This is why genuine realization often comes through grace rather than effort. When we stop needing enlightenment, when we cease demanding that reality validate our ideas about it, something profound can emerge—something far beyond what our needy minds could have imagined.
The Path Forward
The invitation is clear: we must each undertake the journey of clarifying our relationship with power. This means:
Examining our psychological dependencies
Allowing our compensatory strategies to unwind
Learning to distinguish between authentic desire and neurotic need
Creating containers that support this transformation
As more individuals realize this needless power, new possibilities emerge for human organization and culture. We begin to glimpse what genuine intimacy looks like—with ourselves, with others, and with reality itself.
In a world facing existential challenges, the emergence of humans capable of moving from needless power—aligned with love rather than driven by psychological compensation—are essential for our collective future. This is the revolution our time demands: learning to want without needing, to love without demanding, to move with the power that comes from fundamental safety and freedom.
The truth is that our minds don't know what we want. We are deluded if we remain identified with our minds and try to impose that delusion upon reality. But when we surrender our demands, when we discover the power that needs nothing, we become available to be moved by love's intelligence. This is the foundation for genuine partnership, collective coordination, and ultimately, a sustainable human future.
Work with me: I offer one-on-one guidance helping people develop secure attachment with reality through deep unfoldment work. If this resonates, explore working together
The bittersweet moment when somebody said what you’ve wanted to say for months. But better than you ever could.
A very powerful, succinct insight of our relationship to power. A new perspective for me that inspires to lean into what is possible for our future. Thanks so much!!